SambaPOS Roadmap

Want to discuss this with all users.

  • Does SambaPOS meet all your needs?
  • What are your problems or features you would like to see added?
  • What are your thoughts for a new cloud based product?

Cloud based will be the end of the best restaurant software out there.

Vehbi is not saying we will convert SambaPOS to cloud. He is asking what do you think about a Cloud based solution in addition to SambaPOS.

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Yes i didnt say that. I mean new product. Not to kill desktop based SambaPOS.

In that case, yes, a cloud based accesory would be nice. To answer your other question, Sambapos has covered all the needs my bakery and cafe had, further, whenever there is a new requeriment is achievable thanks to the customization it offers. Before deciding on Sambapos I placed an old workstation and installed every restaurant software I could find, that computer ended up with over 80 programs!! to handle restaurant, but whatever features one had, the other didnt until I installed Sambapos.

I’ve got plenty of requests :grin:


Some inventory item updates that would be very useful. Ive seen that new version allows for barcode field for purchases too which is great addition!

Point 2. for CSV import of Inventory items and recipes and point 3. to be able to manage wastage without having to work with it through products and order states.

Moving Fixed Cost to Products directly instead of recipes.


Ability to deactivate a user. In the User List interface they can be grouped based on their status. Active and Disabled (whichever wording you prefer). This way we dont have to delete them or come up with quirky ways to manage this as we know turn over in F&B service staff can be quite high.

C) Batch create & edit everything

Speaking of users.

Just like Batch Create Products, entities, accounts and everything else, it would be useful so we can import a list of users. Something we normally ask our customers in advance before the setup i.e.

John Doe, John, Doe,, +1 23 456 789, 1234, 1234, Owner, Manager, pda
  • Batch Edit Users & Roles
  • Consolidate Batch Edit Products (Group Code, Name, Barcodes, Tags, Prices, Price Definitions, custom tags etc.) so we have everything about products in one place instead of two separate interfaces
  • Batch Create & Edit Edit Printers
  • Batch Create & Edit Inventory Items & Recipes
  • Batch Create & Edit Order Tag Groups and Tags

D) Tickets screen

Columns for payment and calculations types i.e.

Ticket Type | Number | Date | Op-Cls | User | Ticket Note | Entity Types … Discount | Round | Cash | Credit Card | Voucher and others we define

E) User Interface

User interface is totally functional, it could be updated to match modern style of apps. Obviously we dont have to have an interface of a web and mobile apps but it could do with a bit of polish. I believe Emre did this originally so interface is not laggy on old school devices with J1800-1900 CPUs, but I think we are way past that now. Modern POS devices come with i3 and i5 devices with 8GB ram for the same price of those old J1800-1900 CPUs

I think report viewer sections needs some TLC. Its not possible to scroll it on a touchscreen either vertically nor horizontally. Its near impossible to scroll it horizontally even with a mouse.

Maybe even add date picker to custom keyboards :sweat_smile:

F) Documentation

There are many Actions and Rules which got an upgrade and include many new fields with no instructions on how to use them or what they accept as input.

There are few {EXP REPORT TAGS} that are broken and return nothing. Especially order tag related ones

As well as some scripting helpers which dont seem to work anymore and {REPORT SQL DETAILS:@@sqlquery …}


For mobile and cloud based apps they are generally well accepted, especially metrik and the ability to render new reports on the fly.
If metrik could support converting raw data to pivot tables and previews would be an amazing addition to metriks great performance.

MC3 is good, very simple and easy to use, though the way it handles terminals is a bit complex to manage even for experienced users of SambaPOS.

KDS is light years ahead and better compared to custom entity screens but its could use the ability to close all tickets, and new orders could appear with order date instead of ticket date. Very often asked question is if it has metrics about how fast different orders are served and other kitchen performance metrics

We hope to see Jetrik in other countries soon! Its been asked about a lot since customers received newsletter


The database can be stored in the cloud, the terminals can work online and offline, and can be accessed via a web interface.


In my case it seemed like the best software I tried, although it took me a bit to customize it. I managed to adapt it to our way of working, but I couldn’t move forward because I couldn’t manage to develop the module for tax billing that is mandatory in Argentina. If I could include that it would be great, I have to migrate 5 premises from another system, but I understand that the demand in this country for licenses is not enough for a development of this need.

@VehbiEmiroglu thank you for asking as per my view these features enhance POS
the main feature we need is PDF output of reports, invoice in A4/Letter size to send invoices, statements etc . 2. Cash up or similar screen in custom navigation ( already exists ) but standardised . 3. Eftpos Intergartion (atleast oneway to send amount to terminal and get back with approval /decline) for NZ 4. Ability to delete old customers (cant delete if attached to ticket now) as people moves and some of them 1 time visitors makes a huge database Thank you


GraphQL bug fixes

I think SambaPOS is awesome but right now is not able to connect to external systems due to bugs in graphQL functions


Bobotto please list those bugs.

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@ffaajj Please email information about your countries requirements. We want to support all of these requirements but as you know many countries need it and we have many things to work on so it is hard to give promises we have to look at demand for each area and prioritize it. Giving us as much information as you can would help us though so we can study and understand it.

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Hi Jesse

below is the list
Appreciate the team’s help to help resolve these issues

Thank you


payments info is still not showing up in getTicket.payments
(note: payment info only shows up in getTickets.payments)

Incomplete GraphQL response
Request for these datas to be added:

need arguments (start:date, end:date)

need data:

  • department
  • ticketClose:datetime
  • payments [all payment info, including Payment Description]
  • entities [customData: [EntityCustomDataValue]]
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@Jesse I sent you an email with a company that develops integration modules, and that will be useful since they have a solution developed.

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Thank you we will look but given the nature of this I think it’s best we develop the solution in house so we can maintain it. But that’s great info we will check it out.


First of all, thank you to everyone who replied.
Unfortunately, most of the posts here are about requests that have already been reported and are controlled and managed by the operation.

I asked in a broader sense.
I would like to step up from daily issues and discuss more forward-looking topics.

I will start a post. I know I’m on the other side but I am also a restaurant owner. I think a cloud POS is going to be a must soon. We need simple quick options for small businesses. I also feel anything that makes taking payments faster and simpler is a must.

I would love to see us incorporate payroll and scheduling as well as integrations to anything that makes running a small business more turnkey and makes it so I do less work on the backend. Anything that helps me run my business from my phone and quickly is a plus.

I hope others can chime in with their experiences.


I am more focused on the things we need as a service provider, as our team doesnt run an actual kitchen or bar but from dealing with dozens of clients on daily basis we have quite a good grasp on what tools are needed.

Items mentioned in the post previously, its something we often have to deal with and we have to come up with our own scripts and tools to do it.

We would love to see centralized API, especially now that its a paid model, the ability to process API calls & webhooks server side and that we can then do something locally per deployment via license related API keys or similar.

Centralized payment processing APIs. Ability for us as resellers to make deals with payment processors SambaPOS doesn’t have resources to focus on and make these implementations via centralized APIs. Bringing value to SambaPOS and our customers without Samba’s team having to focus on the client side integrations, just providing us with tools to do it.

Our struggle to compete with systems that have a wide range of payment processing interfaces and partners, online ordering, QR shopping carts and many others is ever increasing and to say it makes things complicated for us its an understatement.

Another thing that has came up quite a few times is expenses. Most of our customers that use inventory control would also like the ability to photos of receipts. Some systems also have the ability to read the invoices via open source OCR technologies and generate expense records.

We already have the ability to generate movement of accounts, having ability to generate expense records would be a powerful tool.

Built in time clocks for all staff without having to generate users for them too. i.e. cleaning staff, they dont need access to POS but need to clock in.

Though I can see potential of fast deploy-able cloud based systems for small businesses, they come with their own set of problems. They are usually non-customizable unless they are open source. We are in a developing country, hybrid online/offline system works better in our case.

I also think SambaPOS should consider monthly subscriptions packages for resellers to provide customers a range of different cloud based / app based features. i.e. $xy.00 per month to access to metrik, up to # of MC3s, up to # of KDSs etc.

Now that we have some many features to offer, these per device/per user/per location/per branch licenses get quite expensive as payments in advance.

Where we are based, business are willing to pay small percentage for every order processed that saves them on having staff and training staff. Very common practices are % of revenue for processed orders. Businesses cover it by setting up service charges.

It just happens to be the case where we are that turn over of service staff is very high.

Over all, we resellers, need ability to scale on demand easily.


This is very good. I will put my thoughts in a short time.

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