SambaPOS V 5.1.55 - 5.1.56 Release

I’ve released 5.1.56 to fix some issues reported for 5.1.55.

:arrow_down: 5.1.56 Download

##New Features

This release contains really nice new features. I hope you’ll like them. I’ll be glad if you share your suggestions or ideas with us.

Thanks to Kendash, QMcKay and the rest of the Beta team for helping me implementing new ideas and finding issues. Please let me know if you notice a new feature not mentioned here.

You can also review Custom Package Delivery tutorial for detailed explanations of some new 5.1.55 features.

Inventory Products and Sub Recipes.

You can create Inventory Products under Inventory module. These products can be considered as sub products meant to be used in other products.

You can create recipes for each sub product unit and add these products under main product recipes.

In this sample Pizza Dough.Large product can be added inside all Pizza.Large products and you don’t need to include sub product items inside main product recipe. While calculating cost Pizza Dough cost will be added to Pizza Margarita product.

Regex support for recipe order tag selection.

With 5.1.54 release we added Order Tag mapping for recipe lines. When you configure a tag for a recipe line this line will be used if Order tagged with mapped order tag. For example…

Second Cheese Recipe Line will be used if Pizza Margarita order tagged with More Cheese.

By 5.1.55 release you can use Regex to match multiple order tags. For example if you have Add Cheese and More Cheese tags you can use ?\bCheese^ Regex to match all order tags that ends with Cheese or Equals Cheese.

Other matching options are…

!Cheese     > Negating Match   > Not tagged as `Cheese`
*Cheese     > Ending Match     > Ends with `Cheese`
* Cheese    >   "    "         > Ends with ` Cheese` (word)
?\bCheese^  > Regex Match      > Ends with or equals Cheese

Warehouse code for inventory items

You can configure Warehouse Code for Inventory items so on inventory screen items will appear as grouped by Warehouse Code.

Fluid custom entity screen layouts

By using new Layout setting for Entity Screens’ View Mode option you can prepare responsive custom entity screens.

New layout editor for custom entity screens.

A new layout editor implemented for Layout View Mode for Custom Entity Screens.

Nested Printer Template Tag usage improvements

While using a printer template tag inside a report template tag we’ll correctly prioritize which tag will be processed first. That feature will allow you to use nested tags. For example…


{ENTITY NAME} tag used inside {REPORT ENTITY DETAILS} tag so {ENTITY NAME} tag should be processed before processing {REPORT ENTITY DETAILS} tag.

Multi Parameter support for Automation Command Values

You can pass multiple values as an Automation Command Value parameter. I’ve explained this feature in Custom Delivery Screen Tutorial.

More color and font selection options for Label widget

You can configure font, font color, background color, font size, alignment settings for Label Widget.

Columns setting for Ticket Lister widget

You can configure Ticket Lister widget’s Column count for easily displaying multiple items on a single ticket lister row.

We also have row count setting for command button are and command are height setting for adjusting height of command buttons.

Command button support for Entity Search Widget.

You can configure command buttons for entity search widget.

If you create buttons mapped to Select, Create or Edit commands these buttons will work as related buttons without need of additional command mapping.

* support for Entity Screen state filters

If you configure * as Entity Screen’s State Filter setting all entities will appear on entity screen without need of adding them in entity list.

Display State support for Entity Grid widgets.

You can configure Display State for individual Entity Grid widgets so widget can have its specific Display State configuration.

Balance field added for {REPORT ENTITY DETAILS} tag

You can use Balance field in Report Entity Details tag. For example



This tag is useful to execute an SQL and use custom report features inside printer templates or other places that does not have custom report tag support. For Example…

{REPORT SQL DETAILS:Select TicketId,Date from Tickets:F.TicketId,F.Date} 

tag will list all ticket’s ids and dates. Syntax for that tag is…

{REPORT SQL DETAILS:<sql or handler>:<fields>:<expression>:<line format>}

Auto Sizing <block> tags by configuring percentage width

While configuring a block you can use * char to define a percentage width. This feature is explained in Custom Delivery Tutorial.

Optional Template lines improvements

You can define which part is taken into consideration while defining an optional printer template line. For Example…

[Customer: {ENTITY NAME} Balance: {ENTITY BALANCE}]

When used in a printer template this line will print optionally. We can use additional brackets to be able to define we want to print this line if there is an entity name.

[Customer: [{ENTITY NAME}] Balance: {ENTITY BALANCE}]

So this line will print if an entity name exists.

Task Printer and Task Editor Widget Improvements

See: Kitchen & Bar Display using Task Printer with Separate Displays for Food & Drink

JS API Support for Account Creation




Other Features


Hate to disrupt a really nice post but:

Can someone explain why this does not work in State Order Display -
<color white>{REPORT ENTITY DETAIL:'<br/>Account\: $'+[E.Balance]:(EN={ENTITY NAME}) AND E.Balance > 0}</color>

This syntax does work with correct balance showing:
<color white>{REPORT ENTITY DETAIL:'<br/>Account\: $'+[E.Balance]:(EN={ENTITY NAME}) AND E.AccountId > 0}</color>

@emre the only difference is I am trying to use "E.Balance >0 " so to filter out Credt Balances, instead of using E.AccountId > 0)?

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E.Balance is a helper field to help you display account balances. This field is not suitable to use as a filter so intentionally not included in expression section.

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