DISCOUNT - Any Item - Ask Custom Amount

This method allows for a Discount to be applied to Any Item, based on user input of an amount. It uses [?Request Input] notation to prompt the user to enter an amount, then applies the Discount using a Tag Order Action.

Operational Flow:

Order Tag - Custom Discount:

Automation Command - Discount Item Custom:

Actions - Tag Order & UnTag Order:

Action - Execute Automation Command: This Action available in v 4.1.42

:exclamation: All Rules require a Default Mapping (* * * *)

Rule1 - Discount Update:


CMDname: Discount Item Custom Zero
CMDvalue: [?Enter Discount Amount (0=remove)]

CMDname: Discount Item Custom NOT Zero
CMDvalue: [?Enter Discount Amount (0=remove)]

The notation [?prompt for input] requires the leading Question Mark!

The text in CMDname is important, because we need to match it exactly in the next 2 Rules, in their respective Constraint lists.

Also, the text in CMDvalue should be the same for both Actions - this will prevent being prompted twice.

Rule2 - Discount Item NOT zero: (apply Order Tag Discount)

Rule3 - Discount Item zero: (remove Order Tag Discount)


Hi @QMcKay

I can not seem to get this working. I am probably doing something wrong. :slight_smile: If you have a chance, can you please view video below and let me know if you see something wrong.

One thing, I was not sure is if I needed two ExecAutomationCmd’s. I created two because when I create RU Discount Item Custom Update rule, I was not able to use ExecAmtomationCmd twice.

Video Demo

SambaPOS version 4.1.44

Thanks in advance.

You need 2 of the identical Action. Right-click on the left and choose Display All Values, then look at the very bottom of the list… you will see the command there, so you can add it to the right a second time.

he did not get that far… the problem seems to be that he cannot get the input prompt… thats what lost me. Regardless that, in the zip I sent the configuration is as you say, two identical actions…



Follow the Tutorial to the letter.  It’s important.  You need three Rules:

Zero (the naming is important - it needs to be matched)
NOT Zero (the naming is important - it needs to be matched)

The notation [?prompt for input] requires the leading Question Mark!

The text in CMDname is important, because we need to match it exactly in the next 2 Rules, in their respective Constraint lists.

Also, the text in CMDvalue should be the same for both Actions - this will prevent being prompted twice.

I’ve updated the Rules above so you can use Copy/Paste.


ive got the discount % working spot on, however the discount by value i cant get working ive checked over everything and cant find anything wrong. When i process it on the POS everything works until you select the discount value on the keyboard and press OK nothing happens the item is not discounted, any suggestions?


Sounds like a problem with a rule. Did you remember to put default mapping for each rule?

just checked and they all have default mapping

Add a message box action to display a notification of some sort to the Zero and NOT Zero Rules to ensure they are capturing the event properly.


Thanks for these great discount tutorials.

DISCOUNT - Any Item - Ask Custom Amount does not work if the Discount Amount is less then a $1.

How to I print the Discount Amount on the Customer Receipt. Right now it is only printing ***DISCOUNTED.

Best Regards,

Can’t find Action type, execute automation command. Only have execute print job and execute script

i stuck at the step of execute automation command as i can’t it under action type. any help please?

What version of SambaPOS are you using?

The Action Execute Automation Command became available in v4.1.42. You must be running that version or higher.

This is what is available according to the Printer Template:




I tried {ORDER TAG PRICE}, but it just prints ***DISCOUNTED twice and it does not have Discount Amount after the word.

Can you possibly post your template?

Best Regards.

I don’t use this type of discount; I only use Fixed Amounts which are a different set up.

@emre, I’m note sure why {ORDER TAG PRICE} doesn’t work - maybe because it’s dynamic in this case? Or maybe if we can get {ORDER TAG NOTE} as a Printer Template Tag, this may work?

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Any chance you can chime in regarding printing “Discount Amount” on Customer Receipt?


{ORDER TAG PRICE} does not show price when Add Tag Price to Order Price setting is enabled. Can it be the issue?

I will check later if “Add Tag Price to Order Price” is enabled. Working from memory, I do not think it is.