So I’ve been promising sorting some tutorial videos and have finally found a bit of time to sort one…
Although should probably finished the ‘Intro to SambaPOS’ on first.
I thought I would start with something nice and simple for a good starting point for newbies trying to understand SambaPOS automation configeration.
While fast cash buttons isn’t particularly exciting its a very good starting point because its fairly simple.
I didn’t start so basic as to so single command to rule and action flow and have used a basic example of having a ‘carried carried field’ to set the value in the rule rather than ‘hard setting’ it in the action.
I have also done a single rule with multiple actions to demonstrate the use of automation command values and basic action constraints.
I strongly recommend if you are new to samba you watch this and follow the video on a testing install or second system to build your understanding and confidence with SambaPOS automation as a learning tool.
Hopefully this will be a helpful video and reference point for those just starting with SambaPOS and with any luck will be able to follow next with an expansion on this for a ‘Change Due’ prompt after over tender and then adding a post payment print bill option to that message. When I get chance to do those I will post on a fresh topic and add links here as are a good follow on to this tutorial video.
Next Video: Basic Automation Tutorial Video for Show Change Message (Ask Question)
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I need to get a mic for better audio plus I cant do audio and video at
the same time because the fans spin right up on my mbp when I do full
screen recording (presumeabley because its retina and high resolution)
and its very distracting and can hear very promenantly in the recorded
This would make the creation process allot quicker.
It would probably mean less fluid voiceover but would be easier and probably make for better tutorial video as wouldnt have the seperation of recording and comentary.
[:AutomationCommandName] IS NOT ‘Exact Cash Button’ AND [:CommandValue] GREATER THAN 10
[:AutomationCommandName] IS NOT ‘Exact Card Button’
Meaning in my example;
£20 Cash button would work
£10 Cash button would NOT
Obviously Exact Cash or Card would obviously not work either.
While this example is probably unrealistic and if anything unnecessary as pretty sure the brackets would make no difference they are often more commonly used with == rather than != to narrow down a constraint, it demonstrates the power of action constraints.
I have had a system in that past where I had at least half a dozen values in a complex combination of &&'s and ||'s.
@JTRTech I saw a few times in the video you were searching for specific rule event or action when creating it… I thought I would mention that you can start typing what you think it is and it will jump to it.
fyi: In your videos I noticed command value selector appears behind tendered amount dialog when you use tendered amount as a command button parameter. That will work better by .60 update.
I tried to mix it up a bit, typing, scrolling.
I semi purposefully took longer than needed to ‘find’ the numberpad setting action
Yes the typing after dropdown to search is a good one.
I was thinking a samba tour with tips and tricks would be a good video at some point.
Where everything is and short explanations.
Hi Joe, newbie to samba but have worked on other pod systems before, following your video, got as far as setting up the numbered buttons, is 5/10/20 and they are working but cashing off the full amount instead of the value, were am I going wrong?
No. Haven’t even got as far as setting up the cash button, I have set up the 5/10/20 buttons but all the buttons including the CASH button clear the full outstanding amount and not the value specified,
OK, my apologies for misunderstanding, I have followed video to the point were you have set up all buttons, 5/10/20 buttons should be working properly, and cash button should have no effect as we have not got to that stage. Yet all buttons are acting like cash button ie cashing off remaining amounts. So were have I gone wrong, for example , why is the 5 pound button not cashing off 5 pound the value set, but cashing of the total
You have missed something, guessing the values in the action but hard to say, use Microsoft snipping tool and take some screenshots.
Start with your automation command rule with the actions extended.